
  • Looking down onto Earth from space with satellite in foreground



Through funding from Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), this project advances existing methods for using satellites for studying water quality in offshore and coastal farms.

ShellEye will also extend and develop tools that shellfish farmers can use to predict short-term variations in water quality, based on their local weather conditions and forecasts.

A user-friendly method to provide this information in a timely manner through regular 'news bulletins' to farmers, such as text messages and emails, will also be tested.

Importantly, all of this work will be carried out in conjunction with shellfish farmers, allowing them to provide feedback on the project and ensure that the results are highly relevant to their needs.


Role of 첥Ƶon project

Harmful phytoplankton sampling and remotely piloted aircraft operation in Scottish coastal waters to ground truth satellite observations

Development of a 'bulletin' system to disseminate ShellEye results